Let's start with blogging since it seem the most relevant. I don't blog aside from this class, although I used to when I was in middle school nearly every day on my Xanga. Xanga was the cool thing and I remember there was a point when my parents had blogs because it was "all the rage." I wrote about pretty trivial things, what I did in each period, what I did after school, sometimes a family vacation every now and then, but overall it was just not that exciting. There came a point when I actually shut down my Xanga and deleted all my posts (which I regret now) because I thought it was absolutely pointless. A little pointless, maybe, but absolutely? In retrospect, no. Blogging allowed me to type about what was important and express my feelings and even though it was poorly written, it still had something somewhere.
It's like when I look back at my old diary in middle school. Completely pointless and it actually makes me feel super lame for writing it all, but hey, that's the stuff that I found important in middle school. So in a sense, blogging preserves my feelings or emotions at the time and because it's written down (literally or digitally) I still have access to it to reflect on my past and really see how much I've grown.
But let's be perfectly honest here, I do have "secret" blog (not so secret anymore now that I posted this!). It's not really about me and my day to day things, but I write down in the blog nice things that people have done throughout the day so that I can remember the little things. Sounds super corny, but I think that it's nice to remember the seemingly insignificant things that ultimately contribute to the happiness of our days.
So enough about blogging, onto Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a god (citation needed) and I personally love using it. Sure, I've found some errors along the way, but I also help edit it so that it is even better. Wikipedia is being put into better hands now that it has gained more credibility and widespread use. My friend recently told me that some of the Physics GSIs at Cal are the ones who edit the Physics pages to make it more in depth or to correct facts. Cal Graduate students editing the Wikipedia pages so that I can understand the basic concepts of the String Theory... huh. Sounds good to me!
Finally, Youtube. I don't really have a huge fascination with YouTube as do many of my peers. I have watched many music videos, seen funny clips of shows, and even watched movies, but I wouldn't say I'm addicted to YouTube. It's a nice website to share videos and such, but for me, whenever I do use YouTube, I am looking for a specific video that I want to watch, whereas others use it to find videos they didn't know existed. I suppose it boils down to personal preference so there's no real right or wrong way to use YouTube.