Monday, December 7, 2009

Back to the Basics

Oh dear. No thank you on posting on that site again. Not only did it take me 3 tries to create an account, but honestly, it didn't feel that good. I felt out of place really. I mean this site is MY site where people who want to read my blog com here to read it. It's not like a post on a compiling blog where strangers go there with the intent of reading it... totally insecure about my post

Yes, I did scan some articles, most were mainly about the strike so I felt like mine was out of place. I edited my project because I personally think it's fascinating how much we are protected and from what. It's nice to know that my article could inform someone that they cannot say whatever they want because the freedom of speech doesn't protect everything.

Not to mention I quite frankly epic fail at learning how to use that site. I've been using blogspot for a while now, and all the buttons are nicely grouped together. Either you publish your post, or you save it as a draft. The window where you were supposed to write your blog was really tiny and I wasn't even sure if I was doing it right. I suppose I had hit public post without finishing my post, realized that I may have clicked publish, tried to find it on the main site because I didn't want my rough drafts floating around on the internet, couldn't find it, assumed that I did do it right and didn't actually publish it, but instead saved it as a draft and called it a night. Bad choices and a series of unfortunate events. I had published it, they just had not posted it yet. So it's pretty sad how my one button pressing could lead to a half baked (or probably just thrown into not even a preheated oven) entry.

So what did I learn? I love my blog here. No worries, just my own thoughts with the ready to use format that I am so familiar with. It becomes routine. Yet... with the new sites, look over the site first. It's really not that hard. Get used to different formats, it'll make you more flexible and adaptable. And make sure you know how to push all the right buttons.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, wow I completely agree with you. That entire system is a little scary to me. I dunno, posting as a great big group of people... I felt like they might get mad at me for putting something as random as the French Academy up. Not only that, but I really didn't have anything too interesting to add. Mostly it was just facts. Facts that they could have found anywhere on the web.

    But yeah, the freedoms in general in the American constitution have always been kinda interesting to me. Freedom of religion, for instance, is the freedom to BELIEVE, not the freedom to DO.
